Frequently Asked Questions

1. What does OFA mean?
OFA stands for Orthopedic Foundation for Animals. Please see their website for more information.

2. What can I do to maintain my puppies hips?

Hip Dysplasia is not only a product of breeding but is also directly related to the environment of the dog. Amount of food intake, over exercise, and even weather can effect the development of the hips in your new companion.  We recommend allowing your puppy to set their limits for exercise for their first year of life.  A regulated diet will ensure your puppy grows into their proper shape. Your veterinarian can advice you on the proper amount of food as your puppy changes and grows.

3. What are some initial items I will need for my new companion?
Some basic items will help your new companion into your household.  Some items we recommend are a large airline crate for crate training (housebreaking), a grooming brush, nail trimmers, a toothbrush, two bowls, a leash and collar, a veterinarian approved chew toy, and your love and time.  More items may become necessary as your puppy grows and that fit your individual needs.  Your veterinarian is an excellent source for any item.

4. When should I spay/neuter my pet?
You should see your veterinarian for a recommendation on the proper time. Generally, six months is acceptable as all vaccines have been completed at that time.

5. What classes are recommended for my puppy?
A general puppy class (12 - 16 weeks) is a wonderful bonding tool as well as teaching your puppy general manners.  It is our belief it helps your puppy as well in the acceptance of your family.  The next step would be an obedience class to teach them more generalized basic obedience such as sit, stay, and down.  Although recommended, these classes are NOT mandatory to the ownership of a new puppy.  They are only tools in the process. See our suggested links for more information.